Transplant Update – Infusions

Back in September I wrote on how my body has been creating donor-specific antibodies to fight off my transplanted organs.

I’ve finally begun the process of getting rid of these through infusions at UCLA, and had my first infusion Wednesday. It was around 4 hours of sitting in a chair waiting for the IV to finish, but overall it went very smoothly. I only felt a bit hot and nauseated at the start, though the nurse said the infusion itself shouldn’t cause that; maybe it was due the mix of meds they gave me first to counteract the infusion. Continue reading

The Gift of Sight

Two years ago when dad told us he had been diagnosed with melanoma, he gave us each a gift of money that he said he wanted to see us spend it on whatever we wanted.

I took the “see” part literally, and decided to spend it on LASIK surgery; something that he could see me enjoy and would help me see better for the rest of my life. Continue reading

Transplant Update

So I received some not so great news from the doctor. While they still have no clear answers to why I keep getting intestinal blockages, he’s leaning towards acute rejection in some area of my intestines, but this is only a guess due to there being no evidence proving it. Continue reading

Lifetime Goals and Becoming Something Bigger

Today I listened to two podcasts that had very profound things to say about life’s focus and leaving a long-lasting impression on the world.

Freedomain Radio : Jobs after School

The Thinking Atheist: Getting Older

Stef’s bit on finding a path after school, and particularly the phrase “don’t be a cog in a machine”, spoke very strongly to me. Currently I have stable job which I appreciate and enjoy quite a bit, but at the same time it’s beginning to feel a bit repetitive. Every day is effectively a clone of the previous day: wake up early and get ready, drive 30+ minutes to work (which I actually enjoy), work 8hrs pushing for a rather arbitrary quota requirement by day’s end, then head back home where I unwind listening to podcasts while playing games or watch predictable TV shows. Continue reading

DreamHost DreamCon



This year marked our first ever DreamHost user conference, DreamCon, where we had a successful turnout of nearly 100 customers, conference sponsors, and employees. It was an exciting chance to get out an meet some of our users in person and find out about their background and exactly how their benefitting from our hosting.

The conference split off into two training sessions for two days with topics ranging from WordPress, DreamPress, site and database optimization, DreamObjects, business and marketing, and our upcoming DreamCompute service.

I look forward to us doing this event again and hopefully having bigger turnouts each year.